So the littlest boy has the cutest little voice you ever did hear. And he has been adding the end sound -ee to everything.
"Mommy it is coldy. My feet are coldy. I need a raggy."
It's adorable.
Also the boy heard me talking about my bra. He asked what a bra is. So I pulled up my shirt to show him. And then he goes, "Oh, you mean your boob underwear!" Ha ha ha.
These kids just make my day.
Peace out til Christmas. Have a merry one!!!
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Friday, December 14, 2012
I am really just at a loss for words just now as I reflect on the events of today. Today was the Sandy Hook Elementary shootings, where 26 were killed-20 of them children. CHILDREN. I have no words to express the feelings I have had today as what happened hits so close to home. Just know that I hugged my kids a little longer and a little tighter as they came home from school. I assume you all did the same. God be with us now! How we need Him in our lives! I am so grateful to have my family and children here and healthy.
Peace be with us all now, especially those in Conn.
Peace be with us all now, especially those in Conn.
Monday, December 03, 2012
I recently attended a small extended family party. I was told by a number of people that they really enjoyed my writing, and were quite disappointed that I had stopped updating the blog regularly. SHOCKER to me. I really was thinking that my mother was my only follower. (No offense mom- but I can just call you.)
The boy is getting so old. He recently turned 8.
Stocking Fun
So I come now with a semi-renewed effort to keep posting on my blog. I only say semi-renewed because it is Christmas/holiday season, and I am sure I am going to be kept pretty busy.
So the boy is now 8. He has started cub scouts. A few days ago at the pack meeting they had cookies at the end. I saw that the smaller boy had picked a cookie that was no longer available. I told him, "Oh, man that was the one I wanted," (remember he is 4). He replies to me, "Well I actually got two of them so I could give you one, but I just couldn't do it, sorry. They were just too tasty!" This kid cracks me up!
Speaking of smaller boy- he has a broken foot. Poor kid. I'm actually surprised this hasn't happened sooner to any one of my children. They all play very hard and are wild kids. He happened to fall off my queen sized bed and landed just right to crush his bone. It is right next to a growth plate, so we are just crossing our fingers at this point that he won't need surgery. He is in a cast, and will be X-rayed again soon to find out.
The girl is adamant about getting a REAL puppy for Christmas (not going to happen). And we cannot keep clothing and/or diapers on the smallest boy. Yes his birthday suit has been his favorite outfit as of late. I can't believe it with how cold it has been, but if I even try to clothe him they are off as soon as I turn my head.
So there is the briefest of updates for you about our family. We are all excited about the holidays. I hope to post again soon. Until then...
Peace out,
and enjoy the pictures
Stocking Fun
The girl chopped her hair and donated it. I guess I need to get a pic of the new do now.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Don't Judge...
So lately I have been so down. I've really been in a bad place. It sucks. I have been feeling so horrible about life, about being a mother. I have told the man multiple times that I would like to quit. And I meant it. Before now, I have had days that, when they end, I feel like this. Sometimes. But this has been a feeling for more than just days. I would never leave my family or my children, but sometimes the grass just looks so much greener, you know? Like when your kids don't realize that you have sacrificed your entire life and everything that you were, to be their mother, and you continue to do so no matter how tired, sick, sad, or irritable you feel, so not only do they not appreciate it, but they sit and bitch about how everything you do is wrong. Griping runs abundantly. They have nothing good to say. No positive to contribute. I just feel like I want to run away from it all. I won't, but I'm not gonna lie, it's something I think about.
I know I am so horrible for feeling this way, and even more horrible for admitting it out loud (not to mention, gasp, publishing it on my blog). It's been a constant feeling as of late. But this week has really been a good one for me. I know that I am just trying to do too much. Because I am obviously superwoman! I have this crazy need to cross off things on my to-do list. Most of the time I forget to put anything on my to-do list that has to do with my children and their emotional needs. I can honestly tell you, before this week, that I don't remember the last time I got down and played with my kids. The last time I sat and read them a book. READ THEM A BOOK. What kind of mom doesn't even read with her babies anymore? My life was so "busy" that I couldn't even find time to squeeze in a book with my kids. I had been feeling that my kids were so disruptive that I couldn't even get my 'to-do' list done. No joking here, with tears in my eyes as I hung my head in shame with this admission. What kind of a person had I become? What the heck was I doing? I surely wasn't mothering.
I decided that my lists have to go (for now). I need nothing more on my agenda then to let my kids know that I love them. In any way that will appeal to them. I am not going to lie I started out faking it this week. I put on a big fake smile and told them sugary sweet things that I really didn't feel like saying. When they called to me, I really tried to put whatever I was doing on the back-burner right away so I could attend to them. I tried not to be so concerned with the state of my house and what other people were thinking of me. I listened. And guess what? At some point it went from being fake, to being sincere. And fun. I actually enjoyed joking with the kids.
There is more to life than constant nagging and arguing. So as it turns out, what I thought was the solution to the problem ends up being the furthest thing from it. I don't need time away from the kids, what I need is REAL time with the kids.
Tonight randomly I found this youtube clip. Go watch it. Now.
I'll give you a couple of minutes...
Now try to finish reading my post through your tears.
I sat here bawling as I watched and heard the words and the message. The sobs wouldn't stop. All I could think about was how selfish I have been, thinking I have the hardest kids in the world and just want them to go away, when there are sweet mothers out there who have felt the real sting of losing a child. As I ponder this I couldn't imagine life without MY sweet 4-yr-old. Or my 2-yr-old. Or my 6-yr-old. Or my 7-yr-old. I don't even want to begin to fathom a pang like that because I am having such a hard time stopping the sobs I feel for this mother who lost her son to cancer. If this is how I react to someone ELSE losing a child, I would die if it were my own!
But I do feel a completely renewed sense of devotion to my children because they are HERE. And I am thanking my lucky stars for that. I love them so much.
I know that it is still going to be hard, but I hope that I will remember this life lesson that I am learning right now. This week. That I DO love my children.
And what a joy they are to me in this life.
Because I couldn't imagine losing one of them.
Or where I'd be if I did. I have them with me and need to cherish that while I have it. I hesitate to even post this. I am so ashamed of the way I have been acting. I don't know what you will think of me. But it is my blog after all. And I do need to remember. I am raising kids not grass.
Here's the reference to that, if you don't already know it. (It's one of my favorites) and oh so relevant in this case.
Peace OUT
Here are a bunch of random pics of the kids because I know I have slacked on the pics lately. And posts. And pretty much everything.
I know I am so horrible for feeling this way, and even more horrible for admitting it out loud (not to mention, gasp, publishing it on my blog). It's been a constant feeling as of late. But this week has really been a good one for me. I know that I am just trying to do too much. Because I am obviously superwoman! I have this crazy need to cross off things on my to-do list. Most of the time I forget to put anything on my to-do list that has to do with my children and their emotional needs. I can honestly tell you, before this week, that I don't remember the last time I got down and played with my kids. The last time I sat and read them a book. READ THEM A BOOK. What kind of mom doesn't even read with her babies anymore? My life was so "busy" that I couldn't even find time to squeeze in a book with my kids. I had been feeling that my kids were so disruptive that I couldn't even get my 'to-do' list done. No joking here, with tears in my eyes as I hung my head in shame with this admission. What kind of a person had I become? What the heck was I doing? I surely wasn't mothering.
I decided that my lists have to go (for now). I need nothing more on my agenda then to let my kids know that I love them. In any way that will appeal to them. I am not going to lie I started out faking it this week. I put on a big fake smile and told them sugary sweet things that I really didn't feel like saying. When they called to me, I really tried to put whatever I was doing on the back-burner right away so I could attend to them. I tried not to be so concerned with the state of my house and what other people were thinking of me. I listened. And guess what? At some point it went from being fake, to being sincere. And fun. I actually enjoyed joking with the kids.
There is more to life than constant nagging and arguing. So as it turns out, what I thought was the solution to the problem ends up being the furthest thing from it. I don't need time away from the kids, what I need is REAL time with the kids.
Tonight randomly I found this youtube clip. Go watch it. Now.
I'll give you a couple of minutes...
Now try to finish reading my post through your tears.
I sat here bawling as I watched and heard the words and the message. The sobs wouldn't stop. All I could think about was how selfish I have been, thinking I have the hardest kids in the world and just want them to go away, when there are sweet mothers out there who have felt the real sting of losing a child. As I ponder this I couldn't imagine life without MY sweet 4-yr-old. Or my 2-yr-old. Or my 6-yr-old. Or my 7-yr-old. I don't even want to begin to fathom a pang like that because I am having such a hard time stopping the sobs I feel for this mother who lost her son to cancer. If this is how I react to someone ELSE losing a child, I would die if it were my own!
But I do feel a completely renewed sense of devotion to my children because they are HERE. And I am thanking my lucky stars for that. I love them so much.
I know that it is still going to be hard, but I hope that I will remember this life lesson that I am learning right now. This week. That I DO love my children.
And what a joy they are to me in this life.
Because I couldn't imagine losing one of them.
Or where I'd be if I did. I have them with me and need to cherish that while I have it. I hesitate to even post this. I am so ashamed of the way I have been acting. I don't know what you will think of me. But it is my blog after all. And I do need to remember. I am raising kids not grass.
Here's the reference to that, if you don't already know it. (It's one of my favorites) and oh so relevant in this case.
Peace OUT
Here are a bunch of random pics of the kids because I know I have slacked on the pics lately. And posts. And pretty much everything.
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Can I just say how much I miss this girl??? I think about her almost every day. Sister you are too far away!!!
Plus, here are just some random pics of me and some friends from earlier this year. I miss all these ladies too. I have such great friends. Some are pictured, but most are not.
This was the best angle for me. Ha
Okay not so much me, but most of my kids...
The boy sure knew how to take the most flattering pic of us both. At least she can say she was preggo. Not so much for me...
The Man I Married...
I know that this month is not our anniversary.
It is not my man's birthday.
It is not particularly special to either or both of us in anyway.
I have just been thinking about this man I married a lot lately. Even when he is not around ;)
Let me just enlighten you on some of the reasons I am still so madly in love with him.
He likes to listen to me. When I think that I am talking too much, he always shushes me and tells me he loves to listen to me.
He is impossible to argue with. He never argues back just gets real quiet and makes you reflect on all the stupid/bad/mean things you said...(or left unsaid). This leaves plenty of time for feeling bad that you said them (or didn't say them- but thought them).
I don't think a day has gone by that he hasn't in some way told me how beautiful I am.
He is so smart. Before I do or make any important decisions, I love to get his take on things. Most of the time he has pretty sound advice and can point out things that I didn't think of originally.
He is just so dang HANDSOME!
He gets me a certificate for some sort of spa treatment every year (at least). How sweet!
He gets me a certificate for some sort of spa treatment every year (at least). How sweet!
He loves to be touching me. Whenever we sit close enough he has his hand on my leg, shoulder or arm. I just love it.
Anytime that I think he is worried about using my smelly lotions, he says it's okay because I am just "marking my territory."
He never complains when he gets home from work and there is no dinner and/or the house is a disaster. He just pushes up his sleeves and asks where he can start.
He loves our kids. He talks about them, and tells me about things that they have done that he finds cute/endearing. I love this!
Our kids believe that he is the strongest man alive. They think that he can pick up a monster truck or even a building. They believe that he only doesn't show his strength in public because it is a secret because he doesn't want to make all the other daddies jealous. No joke they actually believe this. Even the boy. He is almost 8. They believe it to their core. I never have and never will tell them otherwise. I think I believe it too.
I love you the man!!!
Thursday, August 30, 2012
How come it is so difficult to raise responsible respectful children? I feel like all 4 of my children are on the extreme end of the spectrum and have no manners or respect for others. It's not like I don't try to teach these things on a daily basis. I feel like I am a person who shows respect to others so I have to sigh when I read articles that have one of the "fixes" that says to be a good example and they will model the behavior. Well I am calling BULL CRAP on that one.
Is anybody else out there just completely embarrassed to take their children anywhere in public for fear that their children will completely blow others away on how disrespectful they are? My children seem to have no manners. No common sense. It is driving me nuts. It drove me crazy to read an article that stated that there were actually business' that were starting to discriminate against customers with children. Ridiculous, right? I mean give me a break. If our children are not allowed in public, where are they going to learn these skills.
But (gasp!) when I take my children out, I am actually starting to see where they are coming from. I feel like this is a reflection of my parenting. Why do they not have better manners, and know basic people skills? Have I really been this terrible of a mother? I don't know. Tell me what you do to teach your children manners, and how you practice this in your house, because my way obviously isn't working and I am fed up with my own children.
And an apology to all those who have come in contact with my children recently. We really are trying to work on these things. I just have really rambucious children with minds of their own!!! Please feel free to help me correct them in public, or let me know when they have been disrespectful to you so that I may correct this...
Is anybody else out there just completely embarrassed to take their children anywhere in public for fear that their children will completely blow others away on how disrespectful they are? My children seem to have no manners. No common sense. It is driving me nuts. It drove me crazy to read an article that stated that there were actually business' that were starting to discriminate against customers with children. Ridiculous, right? I mean give me a break. If our children are not allowed in public, where are they going to learn these skills.
But (gasp!) when I take my children out, I am actually starting to see where they are coming from. I feel like this is a reflection of my parenting. Why do they not have better manners, and know basic people skills? Have I really been this terrible of a mother? I don't know. Tell me what you do to teach your children manners, and how you practice this in your house, because my way obviously isn't working and I am fed up with my own children.
And an apology to all those who have come in contact with my children recently. We really are trying to work on these things. I just have really rambucious children with minds of their own!!! Please feel free to help me correct them in public, or let me know when they have been disrespectful to you so that I may correct this...
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Have you given up on me yet? As things keep coming up in my life, this blog just keeps getting pushed farther and farther into the background. "Summer is in full swing" as my friend recently put it, and we are playing and working and gardening and weeding and watering and going and going and going. It never stops. The kids are going to bed much later, because when the sky is still full of sun, it is impossible to convince my kids that it is bedtime.
Anyway, I wasn't actually blogging tonight to talk about summer. I was just sitting here, uploading pictures to use in a family photo book and I just got to some pictures of my sweet dog. My beautiful Shilo. Oh how I miss that loving and patient soul. There was someone who would love me unconditionally and was so forgiving and patient with me. She was such an example on how I need to be more like that with my children. But I was just sitting here, thinking of her and just missing her so badly. I know she will be well taken care of in heaven.
Don't give up on me just yet. I still might surprise you every once in a while!
Anyway, I wasn't actually blogging tonight to talk about summer. I was just sitting here, uploading pictures to use in a family photo book and I just got to some pictures of my sweet dog. My beautiful Shilo. Oh how I miss that loving and patient soul. There was someone who would love me unconditionally and was so forgiving and patient with me. She was such an example on how I need to be more like that with my children. But I was just sitting here, thinking of her and just missing her so badly. I know she will be well taken care of in heaven.
Don't give up on me just yet. I still might surprise you every once in a while!
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Eggstra Special
So the man taught the kiddos about the little verse, "last one in is a rotten egg". He would say that to them to make them hurry in the car, house, etc. Well for the longest time the smaller boy would go especially slow when the man, or the boy (who now says it all the time. For everything) said this. Even when we encouraged him to go before us (the adults) he would always say, "No, you go I want to be last." Nobody could figure out why he always wanted to be the rotten egg.
Until today.
I solved the mystery and just HAD to blog about it. Because it is the cutest thing. Remember he is 3. Well today it was just me, him and the smallest boy, and as I happened to be listening very closely, I heard him say, "last one in is a rockin' egg". He said it twice the same way and I had to smile to myself as I finally discovered why he always wanted to be last. He thought it was so cool to be the "rockin' egg".
I just love these kids. Life is crazy, and life is hard right now, but it's true what I've heard. It's all about the "moments" right now. It is. I have to live for the moments. Moments like these that just make me smile and make me thankful that I had these beautiful children to share in my life. Without moments like these I would be hating life. I would be in the nuthouse. Sometimes I still feel like that is where I belong. But when my one year old voluntarily throws his arms around my neck and gives me a squeeze- there is nowhere else on earth I'd rather be.
Today, after getting a crown first thing this morning, I was down in our basement on the computer. My mother called on the phone. I could hear lots of commotion upstairs. I put my computer adventure on pause while I went to see what the kiddos were up to. The girl had made her own sandwich. A ham and cheese sandwich, which she had to use a SHARP knife to cut the cheese. Unattended. The smaller boy was in the bathroom on the toilet amidst a puddle of urine. I told my mom I'd have to call her back. Smaller boy loudly proclaimed that he had had an accident. But he was sitting on the toilet and needed to be wiped from the other end So I told him to wait while I cleaned the pee so I could reach him.
When I went into the kitchen to get some cleaner, I noticed the smallest boy's pants were soaking on one side. He had been playing in the puddle of urine. So I quickly removed his pants, cleaned the pee on the floor so I could reach the smaller boy and while I was doing that the smallest had picked up a pretty hefty wooden car and whacked the girl across the head with it. Then he fell from the counter-height dining chair square onto the back of his noggin on the wooden floor. It's been just peachy today, but I just keep smiling because I've got a ROCKIN' EGG around here somewhere.
It's the moments people. I love my children from the moments they create. Rockin' egg moments, not urine puddle moments. Commotion is again happening upstairs and I must go to investigate...
Until today.
I solved the mystery and just HAD to blog about it. Because it is the cutest thing. Remember he is 3. Well today it was just me, him and the smallest boy, and as I happened to be listening very closely, I heard him say, "last one in is a rockin' egg". He said it twice the same way and I had to smile to myself as I finally discovered why he always wanted to be last. He thought it was so cool to be the "rockin' egg".
I just love these kids. Life is crazy, and life is hard right now, but it's true what I've heard. It's all about the "moments" right now. It is. I have to live for the moments. Moments like these that just make me smile and make me thankful that I had these beautiful children to share in my life. Without moments like these I would be hating life. I would be in the nuthouse. Sometimes I still feel like that is where I belong. But when my one year old voluntarily throws his arms around my neck and gives me a squeeze- there is nowhere else on earth I'd rather be.
Today, after getting a crown first thing this morning, I was down in our basement on the computer. My mother called on the phone. I could hear lots of commotion upstairs. I put my computer adventure on pause while I went to see what the kiddos were up to. The girl had made her own sandwich. A ham and cheese sandwich, which she had to use a SHARP knife to cut the cheese. Unattended. The smaller boy was in the bathroom on the toilet amidst a puddle of urine. I told my mom I'd have to call her back. Smaller boy loudly proclaimed that he had had an accident. But he was sitting on the toilet and needed to be wiped from the other end So I told him to wait while I cleaned the pee so I could reach him.
When I went into the kitchen to get some cleaner, I noticed the smallest boy's pants were soaking on one side. He had been playing in the puddle of urine. So I quickly removed his pants, cleaned the pee on the floor so I could reach the smaller boy and while I was doing that the smallest had picked up a pretty hefty wooden car and whacked the girl across the head with it. Then he fell from the counter-height dining chair square onto the back of his noggin on the wooden floor. It's been just peachy today, but I just keep smiling because I've got a ROCKIN' EGG around here somewhere.
It's the moments people. I love my children from the moments they create. Rockin' egg moments, not urine puddle moments. Commotion is again happening upstairs and I must go to investigate...
Tuesday, March 06, 2012
Better Mommy
So I have just stumbled upon a few sites I'd like to share. They've got some awesome ideas for my kids. I find that I always seem to be in a hurry, even if I don't have to get anywhere! I don't know where I learned it, but my life seems to be going by way too fast. Maybe it's because I'm always hurrying things along. Here are some great ideas that I need to remember that are also important for my children to hear. Overall the underlying message I wish to be sending to my children is this: You are the most important part of my life. I love raising you and would love to spend every moment cherishing you and your unique-ness. I want my children to remember me by the way I made them feel. Hopefully that will be "cherished and loved". Not always hurried along.
This first one is my favorite!
19 Things We Should Say To Our Children:
And to calm my temper:
8 ways to deal with anger as a parent:
And just for fun, because you can never get enough of that!
This first one is my favorite!
19 Things We Should Say To Our Children:
And to calm my temper:
8 ways to deal with anger as a parent:
And just for fun, because you can never get enough of that!
Easy Ways to Surprise and Delight Your Children
It's just one post for each link, so if you have kids or grand kids, take the time to read them.
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Kids Say The Cutest Things
Hey this post won't be long, or silly or clever. Well just not a lot of thought on my part anyway. I just wanted to quickly jot down some cute things my kids have said before I forget.
1. The other day something happened that made the girl so happy. She was just grinning from ear to ear (I can't for the life of me remember what it was). She looked at me and said, "Mom, I'm just so happy- my smile just won't let go!"
2. So the whole family is driving in the car when the girl says (randomly and out of the blue), "Daddy, you're so silly."
"No, I'm not." he says
"Yes you are. Your just a big STINKER." she says with lots of giggles.
I love my girl!!!!
3. After seeing a provocative shot of a woman's cleavage ON A COMMERCIAL (this is why we don't normally watch TV here) the boy says to me, "Mom, I know why girls boobs are privates. (We've been trying to teach them modesty and what-not)
"Oh yeah, why then"
"Because they look like a butt," he says. The man had to turn around because he was laughing so hard. Then I responded, "You're probably right. And it's ugly, huh?"
He shakes his head quickly and says, "NO".
Then the man does a fist pump and whispers, "That's my boy."
Oh alright I guess the secrets out of the bag, the man is a definite boob guy. In case there was one person on the planet that was still wondering about that...
Have a good one all.
1. The other day something happened that made the girl so happy. She was just grinning from ear to ear (I can't for the life of me remember what it was). She looked at me and said, "Mom, I'm just so happy- my smile just won't let go!"
2. So the whole family is driving in the car when the girl says (randomly and out of the blue), "Daddy, you're so silly."
"No, I'm not." he says
"Yes you are. Your just a big STINKER." she says with lots of giggles.
I love my girl!!!!
3. After seeing a provocative shot of a woman's cleavage ON A COMMERCIAL (this is why we don't normally watch TV here) the boy says to me, "Mom, I know why girls boobs are privates. (We've been trying to teach them modesty and what-not)
"Oh yeah, why then"
"Because they look like a butt," he says. The man had to turn around because he was laughing so hard. Then I responded, "You're probably right. And it's ugly, huh?"
He shakes his head quickly and says, "NO".
Then the man does a fist pump and whispers, "That's my boy."
Oh alright I guess the secrets out of the bag, the man is a definite boob guy. In case there was one person on the planet that was still wondering about that...
Have a good one all.
Just some random old pics of me. I'm cute.
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Tooth Fairy Magic
So the boy is really not that great at keeping secrets. So it is no surprise that when he asked me if I was the tooth fairy, and I told him the truth, that is exactly what he told the girl. He did not tell her specifically that there WAS NOT a tooth fairy, he simply told her I was it. I wasn't thinking much about it, but she recently lost a tooth (her 3rd) and she asked me (out of the blue), "So, mom, do you like to go outside every night?" and I (having no idea what she was talking about), replied, "I go out sometimes, but not all the time. Why?" Then she said, "oh, I was just wondering when you go to all the other kids houses. You know, to get their teeth. And where do you put them all?" It took a few minutes, and then it dawned on me what was going on here. Not wanting to dash the poor girls dreams, I just nodded and smiled like I had something to hide. I later heard her talking to the smaller boy about how lucky they were because their very own mom is the tooth fairy. Oops.
So Tooth Fairy here, signing off.
Peace Out
Wednesday, February 01, 2012
Guest Post
Hey, I'm guest blogging over here today. This is one of my best friend's blog. We were next door neighbors until my family and I moved to a different state. It's difficult not being so near to her. She is in the same stage I am with small children, in fact they are all the same ages. It was awesome having someone to relate to day in and day out. Check out her other posts. They are all inspiring and helpful and so positive! Here is another link so you can bookmark it!
Peace Out
Peace Out
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
It's about time
So, wow. My blogging as of late has really been slacking! What with pinterest taking up the majority of my free time. Dang you pinterest. Why do you have to be so dang addicting? I also have a SPITFIRE little toddler, the smallest. He is into everything. He is fiesty and rambunctious and independent. So in other words... nothing like me. :) He is constantly moving from one pack of trouble to the next. But he is the darned cutest little kid. The kids and I still just adore him. So does his Daddy. And Daddy is his favorite person in the whole world. When daddy's around that kid is happy. He definitely prefers him over me.
The boy is doing awesome and growing so big. He loves going to basketball games with the man.
The girl is learning to read, and she rocks at it.
The smaller boy is making lots of friends and strengthening the relationship with his "girlfriend" that he is going to take to the temple someday.
The man and I are still trying to figure out life, but we are doing great. I love our family, even though I do miss the pooch!! It is so hard trying to be consistent in everything we do, but the kiddos are definitely much better when we are.
We are just trying to wait out the "winter". I put it in quotations because it is just pretending to be winter here. So not the real thing. Not much else has changed. I wish I had something funny to say or some great news to update you with (I'm not talking about baby announcement news- because there won't be anymore of that!!), but life has just been sailing on. Seasons change, kids grow too fast, and life goes on. Thanks for sticking with me. I'll try not to be such a slacker, but I can't promise. Here are some pics. Peace out!
This one is "The Man and his Painted Lady's" He was so excited for me to title the picture that. These were our family pets for awhile. all 5 of them floating around the house at winter time. They actually are "painted lady's".
The boy is doing awesome and growing so big. He loves going to basketball games with the man.
The girl is learning to read, and she rocks at it.
The smaller boy is making lots of friends and strengthening the relationship with his "girlfriend" that he is going to take to the temple someday.
The man and I are still trying to figure out life, but we are doing great. I love our family, even though I do miss the pooch!! It is so hard trying to be consistent in everything we do, but the kiddos are definitely much better when we are.
We are just trying to wait out the "winter". I put it in quotations because it is just pretending to be winter here. So not the real thing. Not much else has changed. I wish I had something funny to say or some great news to update you with (I'm not talking about baby announcement news- because there won't be anymore of that!!), but life has just been sailing on. Seasons change, kids grow too fast, and life goes on. Thanks for sticking with me. I'll try not to be such a slacker, but I can't promise. Here are some pics. Peace out!
This one is "The Man and his Painted Lady's" He was so excited for me to title the picture that. These were our family pets for awhile. all 5 of them floating around the house at winter time. They actually are "painted lady's".
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