Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Kids Say The Cutest Things

Hey this post won't be long, or silly or clever.  Well just not a lot of thought on my part anyway.  I just wanted to quickly jot down some cute things my kids have said before I forget.

1. The other day something happened that made the girl so happy.  She was just grinning from ear to ear (I can't for the life of me remember what it was).  She looked at me and said, "Mom, I'm just so happy- my smile just won't let go!"

2. So the whole family is driving in the car when the girl says (randomly and out of the blue), "Daddy, you're so silly."
"No, I'm not." he says
"Yes you are. Your just a big STINKER." she says with lots of giggles.
I love my girl!!!!

3. After seeing a provocative shot of a woman's cleavage ON A COMMERCIAL (this is why we don't normally watch TV here) the boy says to me, "Mom, I know why girls boobs are privates. (We've been trying to teach them modesty and what-not)
"Oh yeah, why then"
"Because they look like a butt," he says.  The man had to turn around because he was laughing so hard.  Then I responded, "You're probably right.  And it's ugly, huh?"
He shakes his head quickly and says, "NO".
Then the man does a fist pump and whispers, "That's my boy."

Oh alright I guess the secrets out of the bag, the man is a definite boob guy.  In case there was one person on the planet that was still wondering about that...
Have a good one all.

Just some random old pics of me.  I'm cute.


Melody said...

I have the cutest kids and grand kids in the whole world. I love them all to infinity and beyond.

Tammy said...

I love the old pics...brings back lots of memories! I think your kids are pretty cute, too!