Sunday, March 13, 2011

Dropping a Bomb

I've got something to tell you.  I haven't been wanting to write this post, because I really don't want to alarm anyone.  But I am just going to say it like it is.

I am dying.

I began dying the minute I was born.  You see, I was born with a fatal condition.  They call it aging. 

I know- I know- you totally just cringed there.  Well- yes it's true.  I'm sorry you all had to find out like this.  This condition is 100 percent FATAL.  If something else doesn't kill me first, my condition will, with no exception end up killing me.  This is a particularly hard year for me.  I'm getting more and more aged as the years go by.  This year will be rough as I reach 30.

Yes, time and modern medicine have helped tremendously.  In fact- people with this condition are living longer now than ever before.  But there is no cure. 

Please don't shed any tears for me.  But you are welcome to bring me gifts.  Flowers to brighten my mood, chocolate for my soul (cadbury eggs are the best!), organizational bins from IKEA.  You know- that sort of thing. 

Well wish me luck as I say good-bye to my 20's and venture into my 30's (this month)... 
(And in case you were wondering- Yes I AM making kissy faces to the camera while driving on the freeway with 4 children in the car.  I deserve a mother of the year award.)


Adam, Annie, Josan and Calvin said...

I ve said it before and I ll say it again: youre AWESOME KARA! I just love you. And you re so far to look like you re 30 you shouldnt even worry about it. WE need to do something for you bday. No choice! Happy early bday!!!!

Tammy said...

30 was hard for me...I couldn't even talk about it, so you are many steps ahead of me! But look at me now! Nearly nine years later, and somehow still getting up (most mornings)! Enjoy being 30!! You are as cute as ever!!

Melonie Harris said...

hahaha you nut!! Woot Woot for 30!! Hope it's a great year!

Tammy said...

I just heard the news this morning for the first time about your condition. I am so sorry! Who knew you had it as well. I know several people with the same thing. It must be contagious. Just know that you are truly loved, and that I will always be there for you.
Happy Birthday!
love Aunt Tammy