Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Birthday Girl

Today was my birthday.
 It was fantastic.
 Here are 10 pictures to help you understand why it was so great:

And here are 10 completely unrelated reasons why it was fantastic:

1. The boy came in to wake me up today singing, "Guess who's birthday it is,"  and I had to "guess".  How darling is that!
2. Tradition in my family is when you don't live with the person and it's thier birthday you call and sing to them.  So I got sung to a lot.
3. My kids were just as excited for the day as I was.
4. The man gave me a nice long hug right after he put on his cologne, so I was smelling him on me all day after he left for work. :)
5. Seriously.  Did you SEE that pile of presents.  I'm just saying...
6. Peaking out of the shower this morning, I see my darling 2 year old's bare bum as he stood on his tippy-toes as he chose to "peep-peep" in the toilet!
7. My sister brought me lunch, and a plate full of goodies for me and the kids. Then we hung out and played scrabble.
8. My brother and sis-in-law came over and we totally binged on all the sweet things around the house. (Well I did anyway)
9. All the awesome birthday wishes from facebook.  Makes me feel like a million bucks!
10. The snow (from last night) MELTED.

I couldn't have dreamed up a better birthday!  Thanks family and friends.  You guys are all great and I feel so lucky to have each of you in my life! You very nearly made me forget how old I am turning today.  (I must be getting old- I like scrabble)


Adam, Annie, Josan and Calvin said...

Happy bday again! Hope your 30 is the best year yet! Love the presents!!!! Lance did great! And so did your kids!

Mills Family said...

KARA!! I've been reading your posts here!! you are so crazy funny!! I love the "I'm Dying" post! I have that too!! hee hee
And, I love the pics of your cute little girl you posted!! And, I also loved reading about the day of your birthday!! soooo fun!! Hey, I guess I'm wierd because I LOVED turning 30 !! Yes, it's wierd to be excited to be getting older. But, I do love it! I will be turning 38 this summer! Anyway, maybe by the time I'm turning 70 or something I'll probably be starting to not like turning older :) Anyway, have a GREAT 30th year!!!!!

Ben and Kelli said...

You know I binged on the goodies just as much as you... except unlike you i had no excuse! Anyway, we LOVE living so much closer to you now so we can hang out more! You're one of the sweetest girls and I'm so blessed to be your sister!