Friday, October 10, 2008

Man Tag

Man Tag

A. The rules are posted at the beginning.
B. Each Person answers questions about their sweethearts
C. At the End of the post, the person then tags 4 people and posts their names; then goes to their blog and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged

What is your husbands name? The Man

How long have you been married? 7 1/2 years

How long did you date? 8-9 months

How old is he? 31, this year

Who eats more sweets? A close call, I would say me, but he says he eats a lot while at work, so I'm not sure...

Who said I love you first? Him for sure. I had commitment issues, still do (although I am completely committed to him)

Who is taller? The man

Who can sing the best? I'm not sure. We can both carry a tune, but I wouldn't say either one of us are dynamic.

Who is smarter? I totally take the cake in science and math, but the man knows everything about anything technological. Yes he is my techie. Plus I trust his advice on almost anything, he sure has a lot of good common sense.

Who does the laundry? I do most of it, and complain way too much if he tries because I guess my color schemes are way too complicated for him. He does help though and I am grateful for it.

Who pays the bills? It depends. We both do at different times. The man is currently doing most of it, but I used to be in charge. When he starts getting too ornery I usually take over.

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? We don't have sides. It changes every night. (How exciting, eh?)

Who mows the lawn? The man did it while I was in my last trimester, other than that we both take turns. Because I like to.

Who cooks dinner? I do

Who drives? Take turns

Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? Both of us are very stubborn, but I am more so than him, so he admits to being wrong, sometimes even when he's not. Oh how sweet. Yes he is the best, I love him so

Who kissed who first? He kissed me first, although you'd hear a different story if you asked him

Who asked who out first? He called me. Thank goodness. I did think he was super hot. Still do

Who wears the pants? On sundays he does. Most of the rest of the time we take turns. Yep the pants get pretty dirty by the end of the week. Pee You!

I tag Tracey, Sara, Kristin, and Emilee


Anonymous said...

Cute! I can't believe you are still having such a crappy time potty training them! I would say, just do whats easiest for YOU. They'll get trained eventually. My trick was bribery. Find something she REALLY wants and buy it but only give it too her as the reward. I had whole train set on the back of the toilet for like 3 days. Good luck!

Nyree said...
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Tammy said...

Hi Kara!! Your mom left me a comment on my blog and gave me the address to yours. Your kids are so cute!! I think you would be shocked about how big mine are. Feel free to check mine out if you want to. Jay, Jim, and Adam have them, too. Keep in touch!! (