Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Dinosaur rides

I deeply love my children. Everything I do, I do it for them.
I wake up hours before my body is ready, because I need to take care of them when they wake up.
I have learned how to multitask because they often need things simultaneously.
I go to the bathroom with the door open so I can keep an eye on them to keep them safe.
I spend hours in the kitchen cooking things that are good for their bodies to keep them healthy. I clean up after them, and try to teach them to clean up after themselves so they can grow to be responsible adults.
I discipline them, even when it is harder for me than for them, so they can learn right from wrong.
I serve all my children firsts -and most of the time seconds- before I can get to my own food that is, at this point, cold.
I smile and feign enthusiasm when they bring me dandelions.
Every minute of my day is spent in service to my children.
Is it easy? Heck NO.
Is it the hardest thing I have ever done? Heck YES.
Do I find myself sobbing at the end of a day because it can be so hard? Often!
I sacrifice who I am and everything I have so that they can grow and be healthy and happy.

And who is the first one they ask for and miss when they are away staying with their cousins for a week?

Daddy, because he gives the best dinosaur rides!

We love you and miss you The Girl!!!!!


Melonie Harris said...

Oh Geez!! we can't win!! Hang in there!!

Adam, Annie, Josan and Calvin said...

I know we cant win. but thats what we re here for: have the humble part and let the husband be the exciting one;)

Melody said...

And it is worth every minute of your time because they grow up to be beautiful, responsible and wonderful mothers just like you.

treehugger said...

oh mom, that was the nicest comment- Thank you!