Saturday, March 07, 2009

Busy Busy Busy

So no joke this is how 10 minutes of my day goes yesterday.

I've been trying to potty train the girl the last few days.
I make the smallish boy a bottle and sit down to feed him. In the middle of the bottle, the girl stops dead in her tracks and gives me a sideways look that I really don't like.
"Mommy, I think I peed in my underwear," she says. Well either she did or she didn't. So I ask,"Well, did you pee?" silence. "Did you pee in your pants?"
"Um, I dunno," So I tell her to run to the bathroom as I follow her, holding the baby who is still eating.
We get to the bathroom to discover that the dog has been in the garbage and rubbish is covering the floor. I tell myself to calm down and I can clean it later.
So I tell the girl to take her pants off and sit on the toilet. Much to my dismay, the issue about why she was hesitant about the pee issue becomes clear. She didn't pee her pants, she had pooped in them. It was fairly runny so I can see why she thought it was pee.

So I scream out in alarm for her not to move a muscle. I yell for the boy to come in and help me, "QUICKLY". I have him sit on the floor and laid the baby on his legs and told him to hold the bottle. I sit the girl on the toilet and get my rubber gloves to start washing out the undies. When I return the baby was on his belly on the floor playing in a pile of spit-up (on my carpet).

I am wrist deep in poop. And cue the timer in the kitchen to go off saying my dinner, which is in the oven, is done. 'Why oh why couldn't the man be home from work on time today," I think to myself. This is a daily at my house, except it doesn't always happen in this particular order, or sometimes the events are a little different, but for the most part, this is how I live my life.

Lovin' it!


headtotoephoto said...

NOT jealous!!

Adam, Annie, Josan and Calvin said...

Holy cow. I guess I should be thankful about mine. Now the question is: do I want more than one kid?;) Good luck with everything. Looks like you could use some

Mills Family said...

Kara! It was so fun to sit down for a few minutes today and read, read, read through friends and family blogs! I sat and enjoyed SO MUCH your many many posts that I've been missing. I am a REGULAR follower after reading your posts today! Oh Kara, you are so fun! I love how you write about your daily experiences! I relate...but a long long time ago. My kids are 12 and 7 now. Life goes a bit different at these ages. It doesn't go with chaos...the chaos is just ...well, different! haha! Love it though! I'll check in soon again!

Melody said...

I think you should leave the girl with her grandma for awhile. That would work for both of us. I love you all.

Ben and Kelli said...

I still laugh about the bright green poop from the smallish boy's blessing, and it seems to be the usual at your house lately. Good luck!!

The Ollies said...

Ha ha! It's nice to hear other mom's crazy stories to let you know you're not the only one. I will call you soon. Sorry I'm so S-L-O-W!!!