Sunday, September 14, 2008

Potty Training

Having 3 in diapers is horrible! The boy has been back in diapers for some time now. I just couldn't deal with all the pooping accidents. He was going through4-6 underwear a day. 3-4 of those times it would be a poop accident. I got so sick of it in my last trimester that I said, "forget it. I can't do this anymore."

So I went to my next best hope. The girl. She has started out well. She has had quite a few accidents the first week, but that is to be expected, right? Hopefully this works out well. I was thinking maybe if I showered the girl with attention and completely ignored the boy, he might think to himself, "wait a minute, this isn't fair" or something like that. We'll see.

I am really struggling with 3 kids ages 3 and under. My mother told me that the transition from 1 to 2 was harder than 2 to 3. Yeah mom, well when you had your 3rd your first was in Kindergarten. I am so busy now, I don't have time to stop and think. Multi-tasking has really come in handy, although I am too scatterbrained to really multi-task well. I am confident that it will get easier, probably just not for a long while. I have to believe that or I would go insane. Who am I kidding- I'm already there!


Sara Boulter said...

Dang girl, I don't know how you do it. I seriously can't do it with ONE! Ollie's in pre-school from 9-2 every day and I swear that aint enough time to clean and work! :) I feel for you. That's a hundred a' kids!

Melody said...

I promise it will get easier. You just must be patient and enjoy the time with the little ones now. They grow up too fast and the house can always wait. Love the pictures and can hardly wait to kiss all their faces. Love you lots.

Jennifer Lee said...


Your life sounds so crazy! Good luck with your little girl. They're easier to potty train so I wish you the best. With the boy, maybe you can try games, like cheerios in the toilet bowl?

Wehrle said...

Kara! I love that you are the Tree Hugger! Remember "our" tree! Funny! your kids are darling! I am glad you said hi!

Anonymous said...

I think I have Post Tramatic Stress from having my 3rd. I was talking about how you feel and trying to remeber those 1st 6 mo. with 3 and no family, I remeber awfullness (word?) and doing whatever it took to get back to utah. I think I was a zombie and have blacked out most of it. I still really feel like no more kids for this family, but I can help my family with thiers!

Nyree said...

Kara, it's Nyree. Glad I found your blog! It's good to see what life has brought you.
Your life reminds me so much of my own a few years ago. I also had three 3 and under. It is a struggle. Either black or white it seems- really hard or just pure fun. I learned that routine is best. I had to wake before the girls and do housework so I could have 100% of my attention on them. That made it a bit easier. But I also wasn't doing things amazing like canning pears! You're AWESOME!