Saturday, August 09, 2008

Quote of the day

The boy has taken to calling me and the man by our first names. Not a big deal really. Yesterday out of the blue he says to me,
"Mommy, I won't call you Suzy anymore" (assuming my name is Suzy)

"Oh good," I thought, "he's finally going to start calling me mom again."

His next words were, "I am going to call you RICE"

Where did that come from?


Melody said...

He calls you that because he thinks you get "steamed" all too often. What a cute boy he is. Excited to see what the other "one" will be.

Erika W said...

RICE isn't so bad. I mean, I could think of a lot worse names to be called. Like Slimy Teeth or Chubby Cheeks or Cle.

Jared and Amy said...

I love him!!!

Kristin Sokol said...

Rice can be pretty tasty!