Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Waiting, waiting, waiting

So I am a little over two weeks away from the actual due date. I have not come early with either of my other 2 children. I don't know why but I just wish I would. Chances are not likely though. Here's hoping! There is no candy in my house right now. So the man is on a mission. He should be coming home with root beer, circus peanuts and skittles. Aahh. Good man. I know this doesn't sound like a nutritious diet (especially for a prego woman) but peanuts are protein, right? and the root beer will help me to stay hydrated? Okay whatever I just won't eat them all in the same sitting. Maybe. Anyway, thank you to the man!!!

The boy I think will be great. Today I could have ate him alive he is so adorable. Out of the blue he just came up to me, at the perfect height to be placed just under my outie-belly-button. He lifted up my shirt just enough and kissed my belly. Aaahhhhhh, how sweet, eh? Yes he will be a charmer.

The girl has her moments too. She has started randomly telling me she loves me. I don't even have to tell her first. And she is starting to "love" a lot of things. She says "I looove it mommy, I loooove it". And she loves to sing. She does this by singing loudly "sOnGing, oh sonGing, sOoOOnGiNNNNG" It's the darn cutest thing.


Melody said...

A charmer indeed. What a cute little family (except for the missing man who is on a sugar hunt). Proud to be related.

Sara Boulter said...

Awww, these are such precious pictures. Your kids are gorgeous Kara! And so are you! You look incredible. Why was I a cow when I was pregnant, I dont know...but you look amazing. I hate you. :)
What are you having? Call me, I lost your number when I got a new phone.

Kris said...

Your family is adorable! Congratulations on the pregnancy. I hope everything goes well. It's so fun to see what everyone is doing now-a-days! Keep in touch!