Monday, July 14, 2008

Time Out

So I am in the middle of cooking dinner the other day. The boy is apparently hungry and comes to ask me, "Mommy, when will dinner be ready?"

"When the buzzer goes off." I tell him.

Just a brief pause of reflection before he asks me, "Mommy, is the dinner in time-out?"


Melody said...

Kids say the cutest things. Especially when they are related to me. The picture is cure and should be e-mailed to the grandma. I love you guys.

Jared and Amy said...

He always comes up with the craziest things!! :)

Sara Boulter said...

Hahah! I freakin' love your stories about your boy. What a funny little kid he is.

Can he play with O?

Margie said...

You're kids are so cute! They look just like you! Your little boy is so funny!