Wednesday, July 23, 2008


I am back to the stage of pulling out my hair. I don't know what happened but the boy has regressed in his potty training. I am back to cleaning 3 or 4 underwear a day and this time I am 37 weeks pregnant! I am so tired of it I could scream. I just don't know how to deal with this. I have read lots of articles online and all of them say how I shouldn't discipline for this or even show any emotion. Do they realize how hard it is for a hormonal pregnant lady to not show emotion after cleaning potty accidents all day? I have been taking his toys away. Each time he has an accident, I take something else away. I don't know if this is working, because he will still look the man right in the face and pee on the floor. Luckily it's only been the wood floors. AAAUUUUGGGG!!!

Anyway if there are any suggestions, please enlighten a frustrated mother!


Melody said...

I think you should send the boy to his grandma's house and let her handle the problem. Grandma is not 37.5 weeks pregnant (she only looks like it). I'm sure she would be happy to take the time off work. Worth a try, don't ya think. I love you.

Anonymous said...

This happened to Taylor. He was totally potty trained and then regressed. We did put him in timeout sometimes and when we potty trained him he got marshmallows, so when he would have an accident we would tell him, "Now you don't get any marshmallows!" They say to not put him back in diapers, and really I thought he was just being lazy, so I just forced him to go before/after an activity or outing... and now he is back to being potty trained. So just hang in there, it took about 2 mths.

Life with the Lukes! said...

I say send him to grandmas. I have heard that works too.

Erika W said...

Hey, thanks for the post on our blog! I didn't know you were pregnant, either! I'm due September 28 and really cannot wait! This #3 pregnancy is dragging on forever!!!!! What are you having, by the way? Oh, and sorry about the potty training thing. I have no pearls of wisdom for you other than to remember that when he's 16 you can embarrass him with such memories as "the time you kept peeing on my floor."

Chris and Em said...

oh my gosh you are due so soon! I'm am so scared of being pregnant! Tell me its okay!!!

Anonymous said...

hey there what I did to help Sophia my daughter because she did the same thing, everytime I needed to go I took her to. sometimes she would say NO but I was very persistant and would have to bribe her sometimes, other times she would kick and scream saying " I don't need to go " but sure enough the minute I would sit her down she would go. they are on the same schedual as us because you usually eat and drink at the same time, have him drink and then 1/2 hour after take him whether or not he has to go thats how long it usually takes for their bladders. thats another thing I did. set the timer if you have to remind yourself. be patient and just let him know that what he is doing is wrong and that he can do this, he will have accidents every now and then but it will get better I promise. kiss them for me I miss them tons. Love ya Brittany