Sunday, June 29, 2008

To Do

I am totally a list person. I love making lists. I have lists for everything. Dinner ideas, things I want, things I want my kids to have, things I want to do with my kids. I'm even bad enough that I have a list of lists I want to make. One of my favorites is my To Do list. I get to write this one each day, and if I'm lucky, get to cross things off this one. I just found this hilarious to do list notepad that reads this on the top:

to do
and then to do again
and then to pick up off the floor and to do again
and then to scream at someone
for un-doing and then to do again

I laughed out loud when I saw this. Probably because it is so true! I don't just do the things on my list. I do them, then re-do them and so on. I usually end up doing much more than is on my list, what with trying to keep up with the kids, and put that on my list just so I can cross it off.

This is so that I can feel like I did do something during the day. Even if the original things on my list never get crossed off, at least there is something there that indicates that my day was not a complete waste. I am a mother. I work hard.

P.S. if you want the website for the notepad it is:


Melody said...

You had the attitude long before you became a mother. But it is a cute attitude. It has to be; you are my beautiful daughter.

Kristin Sokol said...

So maybe you should consider journaling because basically that is what you are doing. Writing things down after you did them and then cross them off??? Thats a journal, except for the crossing things out.

I have been trying to make a list now for days. I want to be a list of things I should clean soon. The only thing is, then I would have to do them just in time to have them un-done by someone shorter than me. It's discouraging. But if you don't do them then the place looks disgusiting and maybe they'll come take the kids away. That actually might be nice for a little while. I could catch a movie or something. Do they make you pay while your kids are in State custody? Or is it cheaper to just get a baby sitter?

Anyway...I'll get on the whole list and clean stuff up thing today for sure. Thanks for the inspiration.