Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Time Flies

Time flies when your having fun doesn't it. I guess I think that time just flies period. The Girl is only 3 months old and already has her two front bottom teeth. She was just barely getting adjusted to life outside the womb and WHAM- teething. Sad for her; poor girl, she just doesn't know what hit her. Life is great. She is doing well sleeping at night. I still get up really early with her, but she is sleeping much longer than The Boy ever did.

The Boy just loves life and Bob the Builder. He is always going around the house shouting "CAN" (you know the song- "Can we build it?- Yes we CAN"). He is going to be two years old soon. I just can't believe it. He also has this fixation with making everything into a little family (I didn't teach him this one). He got some new hotwheel cars the other day and has named one the "daddy" car, one the "mommy" car and the little one is the "baby" car. He says baby in a cute little high pitched voice.

Well this mommy car is signing out for now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love this site Kara. Please keep it up. We love you all.
