Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Something Quirky

Let me just tell you that some days start out bad. Right from the moment you roll out of bed. On days like these someone usually ends up in time out-before we've even been awake for 15 minutes. I'm trying to sheild you from the truth that I usually end up yelling pretty darn quick after I wake up.
Some days.
Not all the time.
I will tell you something unusual about me. I have a pair of shoes that I love. And for some strange reason they put me in a better mood. They are not beautiful, or sexy, or even particularly colorful. But when I decide what to wear and realize that my favorite shoes will match, my heart does a little flutter, and everything seems (for a split-second anyway) like it's going to be okay. It's kind of like a sigh of relief.
Why? You ask. I have no FLIPPEN clue. But who cares. It just works! So for really bad days, you know the ones that when you find your darling 4-year old girl has just scratched up the wood on your headboard of your wooden black bed-frame, just a few short days after she scratched up the new table, I say-
It's okay. I've got my Merrells.


Amber said...

you are so funny. :)

Kristin Sokol said...

I love my Merrils too. Really weird. We must be related. Sorry about all your furniture.

Melody said...

I must borrow your shoes one day.