Monday, October 04, 2010

From Utah

she likes to dress up
The man and the girl

Me and the smallest boy

the backyard of the new house

Okay so not lots of time, but a quick update. We have not sold our home in Idaho yet, but we put an offer on a short-sale in Utah thinking that it would take a long time- and it didn't. We got a killer deal, so we took it, and now we are renting the home in Idaho. And we are living in Utah. . We are loving the new home that we are in, but we sure are missing our friends. Here are some recent pics of the kids. I want to post some pics of our new house , but it is still quite a mess from the move. Soon.

The girl says to me the other day, "Hey, can we play mommy?"

"Sure" I say.

"Okay, I'll be the mommy and you be the honey".

Isn't she cute? (I call her "honey" a lot.)


Mills Family said...

Oh, I'm so happy that you guys got a great deal on the house in Utah and that you have started to settle in now! So exciting to have you back in UTAH!!! The pics are so fun!

Melody said...

I've been waiting for so long for this post. The pictures are an added bonus. Love you.

Telena said...

So fun to see picts. Oh how we miss you guys!!!