Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Short Update With Pics

So life is pretty hectic so far. It will take a while to get back into a routine. Maybe I'll never get back-- I don't know. The smallest boy cries. A lot. He is fussy all the time, but I am really hoping he'll grow out of it soon. Here are some pictures from the last time I uploaded my pics.

Yes- believe it or not, this picture was taken this month. In May. GO AWAY WINTER!!! We don't want you anymore!

This is a darling girl and her dad.

The man and all the chitlin's. What a great daddy!!!

The boy is so great with the smallest boy. He is great with the smallish boy as well. He just loves his brothers.

Here is the smallest boy.


Tammy said...

Beautiful family, Kara! Love ya!

Adam, Annie, Josan and Calvin said...

I just realized: Smallest boy and I are sharing the same bday!!!! So hopefully he ll be just as great as i am;( HA! just kidding!
You have 4 super cute kids!

Adam, Annie, Josan and Calvin said...

Adam says you have a lot of kids...hahaha...
What he doesnt know is that 3 more are coming his way too;)

Brizzee said...

Your kids are so adorable!

Emily said...

Oh...So cute! Let me know if you need me to come over and hold him for you! The smallest one that is! ;-)

Kristin Sokol said...

Your family is so beautiful. What a blessing. Sorry about all the fussiness. That's hard. God speed.