Wednesday, May 14, 2008


As the family was taking a short evening walk the boy was looking up into the sky. It was still light, but the moon was already up.
"The moon is following us, mommy"

"Yep it is," I replied.

A few seconds of silence. The boy is thinking.

"Jesus hung it up there with a long string."

And there you have it. If anyone out there has ever wondered who hung the moon, you've got your answer. For those of you who don't know, the boy knows everything. (He's telling me things I didn't know all the time.)

We are still struggling with the girl and the bedtime thing. She just can't handle the freedom of a twin bed. She is always getting out and catching the eye of mommy or daddy and then giggling running back to her room. She thinks it is a game.

I don't think it's that funny.

Bedtime is my only respite from these children and she's taking that away. I love them to death, but believe me, I do need a break at the end of the day.

I guess it'll all work out eventually. I guess I'll just keep petitioning the "big-man" for some sympathy.

The man is still in a lot of pain. His break has not yet healed. So I still have some time to figure out the least painful way of breaking a collar-bone. Anyone?


Melody said...

I always thought the boy was so intelligent and now I know. Once again, he gets that from his mongee. I love the pic. Love you all.

Talea Sedgwick said...

He says the cutest things!