Thursday, January 29, 2009

The little things

So, really I was working on a big and exciting post called "a day in the life", but haven't had enough time this or last week to finish it. If you're wondering why, let me show you a few things I've been dealing with this last week (and for that matter, the last 4 years).

So cute from the front!!

Not so much from the back. Yep you guessed it, she found the scissors.

In case you were wondering... Desitin is very hard to get off. It took about scrubbing and rinsing 5 or 6 different times. Then I started on the hair. Yep there is still some in her hair, but that's just going to have to wear off.

This is all in addition to the baby spitting up every 5 minutes, so lots of changes of clothes (him and me), and my not-so-potty-trained 4 year old boy who is still having many accidents a week. Yuck. Plus our washer broke. It was out for a few days. (The man fixed it by the way. Yes he is amazing. No prior appliance fixing experience).

I really don't have time to mention EVERYTHING.

Of the many many times my children decide to do things like this, every so often I take a picture. Here are a few of them for the last few weeks. Mind you I don't take pics of everything.

Fingernail polish. Luckily none got on the floor.

First experience with desitin. Guess she liked it enough to try it again (see top of page). You think I'd learn to put it out of reach.

Yep I am one busy mom. Life is hard. I think when I get to the end of this stage in my life I will feel like saying, "It's been real. It's been fun. But it hasn't been real fun." And clap and HOORAH, and then cry because they're not little anymore. But the crying will come later. Much much later...


Jared and Amy said...

Oh my gosh!! Thanks for a really good laugh. She is totally hilarious!! I can't believe her hair..I guess you'll just have to have her face forward continually!! :)

Tracey said...

wow! I remember some days like that but I think your little one out does them all! My little girl liked Vaseline, baby powder and of course my make up and nail polish. Stay strong because you do cry when they are almost 18 and going to college this fall. Love you guys! hip hip hooray for my bubba for being the fix it man!!

Tammy said...

Kara: My girls cut their bangs right off once. And, they shaved off their eyebrows, as well. Actually, Taryn did it to herself and Joelie. Their was no hiding it!! Your kids are so cute!!

Melody said...

That girl child makes her grandma breathless and that is only from looking at the pictures. (Can I just say that her father was "watching" the kids at the time when the girl was playing beautician.) Love you all.

Lance said...

thanks mom, i think everyone could have done without knowing that it was my watch when the beutiful locks went missing.

Ben and Kelli said...

Adorable and hilarious, and also I am really sorry! See, there are totally legitimate reasons why we still have no children! We get enough excitement from reading about yours!

Adam, Annie, Josan and Calvin said...

Wow for a girl that is STARTING the mom life...those are some scary pictures.....:|

ASHLEY said...

Hi, I don't know if you remember me but I am amy's sister. I love your blog I read it every so often and i tell Amy how funny you are and that you need to post everyday! But it looks like you have your hands full! So Cute! Thanks for the laugh! I am looking forward to those day ahead :(

Erika W said...

She is too much, that little girl! I love it! You know, they make really cute girlie hats now days and since it's winter, you could totally get away with having a beanie on her head at all times. Too too funny! You definitely win the busy mom award for the month!

Kristen said...

Kara your little girl is sooooo cute! Even with the hair. I think every little girl does this. You have your hands full! I'm glad you found my blog. It's fun to find long lost friends!

Brizzee said...

Oh my heck those pictures are awesome. I think we have the same daughter. Maybe they were twins but Heavenly Father knew not one mom can handle both. That is hilarious. I still love seeing that hair cut.