Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Short Note

So I know it's been a while. During the day I am usually running around like a chicken with it's head cut off. In the evenings I don't feel like I even get a chance to breath a deep sigh of relief when the kids go to bed before it starts all over again. Three kids and the holidays are really working a number on me. There is still a sink full of dishes and a few baskets of laundry to fold, but I am leaving it and am going to bed early tonight. For once. I need it. I haven't been on the computer at all lately. I just spent a very few minutes trying to catch up on some blogs, but I really just wanted to go to bed. But I thought I'd drop you all a note and let you know I'm not dead. Just REALLY REALLY alive. Hope all your Holidays are KILLER and
Merry Christmas to everybody. I'll try to post again soon. With pictures even.


Tracey said...

Glad to know your still around :D
My little Bro. better be helping :)
Merry Christmas to you. My card will get there soon.

Love you guys

Jared and Amy said...

I was starting to wonder!! :)

Melody said...

Glad to see that you know you still have a blog and need to blog on it. I'll be patient.

Brizzee said...

I feel exactly the same way. Life has been too crazy lately and I can't wait for things to slow down a little.