Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Mood Swingin' Momma

Hey, just to keep you up-to-date, if you don't want to get snapped at by a jagged toothed alligator or singed from a fierce fire-breathing dragon just stay away from this pregnant mom. I don't know what my problem is. I guess my hormones are just riding a roller-coaster. I can't seem to keep it together for very long periods of time. My poor kids. The darling boy keeps reminding me, "Take a deep breath, mommy, it will be okay" How true that is. He is a little angel (most of the time). He is also doing so good (knock on wood) with the potty training thing! It took a few weeks, but I think that he has it down now. I'm sure the girl won't be too far behind. She really does have to do everything the boy does. Well, until next time...



Melody said...

Always cute little blogger kids. And always a proud grandma.

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