Thursday, February 08, 2007

My Turn

It's my turn to COME ON DOWN! That's right you read correctly. Number 30 on my Life's List will finally be crossed off After March 28. I am finally going to The Price is Right. With Bob Barker. This has been a dream since I was in elementry school. Perhaps I'll win a car, or 50,000 playing PLINKO or nothing, but at least I can say I went and met Bob Barker. Yae! I'm stoked.

So I always have this picture in my head that my blog will be poetry or eloquent or maybe even interesting. But usually I am trying to find a few minutes to jot something down so I don't get behind. One day I'll be a fabulous writer but until then I just have to make do with the four minutes I find after I do the dishes, but before naptime is over.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Seriously could you have any cuter kids? I absolutely LOVE your darling blog! What a talented minivan mom you are. I just love seeing pics of those beautiful children of yours. I know, I have a great idea!!!! Why don't you move down here so I can see them for real more often. Yea I think thats a swell idea! oh yea i can see you more too! (if that wasn't a side note. But i think thats what we become when we take on motherhood!) Hope to see my darling nephew, niece, brother-in-law, and wonderful sister soon! Love ya! kiss those kids for me!!!!!!!