Sunday, December 24, 2006


WOW- I know it has been awhile. I can't believe I haven't blogged lately, but with the HOLIDAYS it has just gotten so BuSy!! I'm sure that yOu can all ReLAte!
Well we're all still good here. I am totally STOKED for ChrisTmAs, the Man is a usuAl BaH HumBUg, and the boy and girl don't really "gET it" yet. But I know the boy is going to go nuts over the train SanTa got him for CHrIstMas.

Well I just WantED to WisH EverYone a MeRrY ChRistmaS and HaPpY New yEAr!

Monday, December 04, 2006

Let's break it down now

So, I'm on my third shirt today. If any of you are mom's, I'm sure you catch my drift. I put The Girl down on the bed to change into my second shirt (after a colossal spit-up fiasco) and picked the her right back up, at which time she proceeded to hurl another pint of curdled formula on the fresh shirt. Poor girl. (The baby). She oBviouSly hAs a CAse of rEflUx. She is the spitting image of her father, The Man, albeit much prettier. She is always smiling and sticking her cute little tounge out. She does have quite the temper and always has to get her way. (She does-if you were wondering- get her way, I mean). Is tHis ToO BorINg?

The Boy is just GrEat. He iS kind Of a dreamy nIghTmaRe. He is into everything and such a handful, but he is also sweet and kindhearted. He is headstrong (he certainly doesn't get that from me!) and defiant, and very loving with two huge brown puppy eye's that are simple irresistable. I love them both with most my heart. (The rest of it belongs to The Man)