Tuesday, December 25, 2007


Hello all. I am going to do it "the boy" style and wish everyone a

"Verry Christmas!!!"

The boy has a small little attention span and doesn't completely pay attention to what I'm saying the few times that I have told him to say "Merry Christmas" so what he hears is HIS version of that phrase. I hope Christmas finds you all well and we hope the new year brings many exciting beginnings to all of you.

Here are some Christmas pics for you all to enjoy.

Christmas tornado is almost over:

The Girl is trying to get as many presents in her grasp at one time as possible:

The Man after a long day of putting toys together:
We are all doing "The Christmas March":

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Small ReCap

The BOY: MOmMy- yoU NeEd a GoOd MomMY sTickeR!
The gIrL's New fAvOritE pAsS tiMe is pRoclaiming LouDly "hidinG" thEn rUNning to thE CoAt cloSet and dUcKing beHind the vAcuum. ThEn shE wAntS you tO oPen and cLose thE dooR, suRpriseD to seE her TheRe, and sHouT "tHere ShE is!!!"